The B Nest Studios is now open in Bower Place. In support of the Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre (CACAC), this space is bee-utiful! Featuring the international award-winning book “What Bee will you Bee?”, Bower Place’s newest storefront is buzzing. The sweetest part: proceeds from the book go directly to supporting CACAC.
The B Nest Studios was present in The Great Indoors Market at Bower Place through the 2019 holiday season. With their great collaborative success, it made sense to open a storefront to support the Centre and in turn help the smallest members of our hive, front and center. The Studio in Bower Place is now a platform to educate the public, train volunteers, and support the future of our hive.
As avid supporters of CACAC, Bee and Tad wanted to bring awareness to the important work the Centre is doing to help support children and families who have suffered from child abuse in Central Alberta. CACAC brings together all levels of government and social supports for those kiddos going through the unthinkable, including:
They have streamlined the way children can tell their stories, find the help they need, and move forward to a life where they feel safe, loved, and valued.
The collaboration with The B Nest Studios and the Centre began when Tad and Bee were looking for a way to support great human bee-ings in their community (are you tired of the Bee puns yet?). They found that in collaborating with CACAC. From the moment they walked through the door of the Centre, they knew this was the place they could help the bees in their community. The B Nest bee-lieves that creating a world where children can be the best bees they can bee will change the world.
Beyond the book there is bee-utiful watercolour art, local artist and author features, greeting cards, clothing, and more. Follow The B Nest Studios on Instagram and Facebook for information about their upcoming art workshops and live painting in store.
The B Nest Studios can be found online at
For more information on the CACAC visit their website at
Maia is a classic Central Albertan gal who KNOWS her way around Bower Place . . . she grew up exploring it! If she’s not scouting the best of The Great Indoors, she’s probably strapping on her hiking pack to escape to the mountains or grabbing her cowboy boots (she’ll never say “no” to a rodeo). She has a love of free-spirited 70s vibes including eclectic accessories, bright colours, and fun patterns.
Monday to Saturday: 10 AM – 8 PM
Sundays & Holidays: 11 AM – 5 PM